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Meter Couplings & Flanges

Couplings and Flanges for installing water meters 

We have water meter couplings and flanges for installing meters sized to standards of the American Water Works Association. All meter couplings are lead-fee brass or cast iron meeting NSF-61G and/or NSF-372 specifications, and the 2014 lead content revisions to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). All meter couplings include gaskets, meter flanges are available with or without gaskets, and bolt and nut kits.

Threaded end Meter Couplings Sizes 5/8" - 2"

  • 5/8" (5/8" x 1/2") Meters - Straight and angled couplings
  • 5/8" & 5/8" x 3/4" Meters - Straight and angled couplings
  • 1" Meters - Straight and angled couplings
  • 1-1/2" & 2" meters - Straight Meter Couplings

Flange End Meters

  • 1-1/2" - 2" meters - 2 bolt flanges with female NPT thread or 2" NPT male threaded nipple.

See our other listings for meter gaskets and flange gaskets separately.

Please see our Meter Sizing FAQ if you are not familiar with AWWA meter standards